Dynamic Pricing Made Easy
Effective revenue management requires two things: Pricing that meets the market NOW and relevant data to point you in the right direction. TrackRevenue's automated rate tool helps you set the right price for every property, every night.
Surf Market Waves
Like a Pro
in Real Time
Delivering the right price at the right time maximizes revenue per home. No product on the market is better at this than the automated rate tool (ART). Capitalize on changes in search patterns, such as lower minimum stay, to roll with the market. With ART, the price is always right.

Sample Base Rate
Using market-based data, Art suggests the best base rate for your property. Base rate is the foundation of Art's pricing.
Seasonality Adjustments
Your particular market sensitivity lets you adjust your seasonality curve to what fits best and see how that changes the model before confirming.
Easy-to-Use Tape Chart
Quickly make changes to your pricing strategy for any combination of dates with just a couple of clicks.
Sort and filter using built-in filters or custom tags. Use tags to make changes to a group of listings.
Custom Rates
Set fixed or percentage adjustments to any listings or dates you choose. Art makes it easy to dial in your desired changes.
Min Rate and Maximum Rate
Want to set rate floors or ceilings? Art makes it easy.
Time-Based Premiums and Discounts
Trusted technology partnerships that play nicely with Track.
Groups for Similar Listings
Groups allow you to manage similar properties by creating pricing rules. Create a unique view to help you segment your inventory.
Dynamic Min Stays
Set minimum-stay rules for any dates or properties. Also set a gap min-stay for gap nights (include or exclude weekends).
See your listings’ occupancy for 7/30/90 days in the future or your comps’ ADR for any listing on any day.
Revenue Management Made Simple
TrackRevenue (formerly Rented) uses real-time market analysis to help you make pricing changes dynamically, riding those “hidden” market waves all the way into shore. The result is better margins, more revenue, and fewer hassles.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Our team has years of experience and expertise across all markets. We are the only pricing tool with an in-house, turnkey solution that does the work on your behalf.
We partner with KeyData as part of our comprehensive source data. This means that your market data is populated with the best and most dynamic data to inform the latest pricing strategies.
With access to market data (with sources like Key Data), competitive sets, seasonality, and of course, performance analysis, our automated-rate-tool makes recommends pricing and rates. However, you are always able to make pricing overrides.
Pricing by season, fill gap nights with min-stay logic, and utilizing custom rates are just some of the strategies we enable.